Originally Posted by daxter99 View Post
It would be a good idea to make 2 sides like good and evil , while you fight a side of the legends(or however you wanna call em) of toribash with some cutscenes and storyline , then you fight uke over and over again but each time harder , the cutscenes ould be only pictures with subtittles and narrating voice.

I would realy like to see this in 4.0
Edit: I hate when in minibash they grow the limbs so i would notlike that.

Like the Infamous/Infamous 2 choices,
there should be side missions if this is added on
and, you side with one person (Good/Evil Person)
then there's this big dramatic fight against the side you didn't choose,
and after you win that fight, you have to fight the one you sided with.

Totally Supporting this.
mindless machine