Originally Posted by MasterGabe View Post
So now your taking down tourneys because of this wow, that's where I get all my tc, winning like 5 tourneys a day. This is so gay when I play with kids in the tourneys, I see no farming, I play until like 1AM EST no farming. What are you guys talking about? Sure there is alot of pinging out and crap, people disconnecting there modems... But lemme tell you one thing Fish, WE WANT TOURNEYS BACK! How am I going to get my tc?

So I guess you don't look at the banlist very often.

To put it into perspective for you, one of the bots that was banned farmed 500k + TC. Having a method like that where you could farm that much TC is not good for the economy. It'll be down for now and probably be back up at a later date, like the last time.
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