Let's be a bit harsh but honest.

It is a year 2013. 2013!
And game interface still looks like something made for textual adventure geeks! I mean, just look at it! To execute commands you have to type them like you are doing some coding, for god's sake! Who thought that was a good idea? Who kept that as an interface for fucking (when was TB released? 2006?), for FUCKING 7 YEARS!
Let me repeat that: for fucking 7 years we have a game interface that looks like it's made for users with Linux knowledge, but the game itself is not compatible with Linux itself! Oh, this is precious....

Hello, wake up already?

Even for an indie team this is something to be ashamed-off after 7 years of development.

Just open the settings for adjusting a mod. Let's, for instance, load a wushu mod and want to put a ring. How do you do it? Tell me, imagine that I've just installed a game and I want to put a ring, I'm on the settings screen and all I can see is some puzzling gibberish. NOTHING IS EXPLAINED WHAT IT IS! There is no pop-up screen when I hover with mouse above the setting, NOTHING! If I want to add oval ring I have to type numbers and hope it will be oval. Was it that hard to add option to click OVAL RING or SQUARE RING? Seriously?
Interface is not user friendly it's USER SCARY. After 7 years of development it's still USER SCARY.

Above that, chat system is so retro and limited that it should be called BBS system from 80es. For those who knows what BBS is, and Hampa sure do, it seams, because he is still stuck in those years, for those who knows how it looked and felt they probably enjoy it.
Sorry, but I saw better and can surely say that TB chat is the worst example of chat in the year 2013!

Everything about Toribash is clumsy and unfinished. Ok, it's still in development for that 'unfinished' stuff, but all those things that are done to complicate life of a regular player, what to say about them? Nothing in Toribash interface is plain and simple. Nothing.

I won't even try to comment game engine... Simple 3D objects with textures are fighting in the mixture of turn based-real time environment with few special effects, and still my computer that is 'eating for breakfast CryEngine 3' is dying while these simple 'puppets' move in almost empty space.
Wtf? Seriously, WTF?
I've played un-optimized Russian games with more complex environment that still had better FPS then Toribash. I mean, what kind of computer I have to buy? Deep Blue?

I'll post soon my vision of plain, simple and above all: USER FRIENDLY game interface, but I know it will be just for us few to dream about it.
Toribash is a game under tutelage of a men without vision. Or without proper knowledge of coding and programming skills. One of these two for sure.

You can't defend by stating that the game is free so it should look like shit. Not anymore... Not after FUCKING 7 YEARS!
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Mar 15, 2013 at 05:17 PM.