Originally Posted by Shiggy View Post
Yeah, vid one was pretty shitty, I wont lie. I just needed to somehow set up the story, and a crappy episode was the way. It was problematic because I basically had to record 3 minutes of me talking to myself.

Maybe I was a bit harsh, maybe I'm a bit drunk right now? lol

Either way I made a similar mistake with a michinima I did (no mentioning it's name due to how diabolical the first half of it it was)

The best way to keep people's interest is either with jokes or constant action. As you've currently not displayed a whole lot of action you need to concentrat on the humour aspect.

Failing that (and a possible lack of graphical prowess - no accusations or assumptions made) nab a copy of Particle Illusion (or a similar product) and use it to add some action. You'll be surprised at the difference a bit of gore will make.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you