The story is like this;

US and Israel dont like Morsy because Morsy are helping the Palestinian people to independent. They use As Sissi as the army general to put down Morsy as president with the harm way. Then, Egyptiant trying to bring back the peace by making a demonstration at Rabaah. As Sissi send his army to kill all the demonstrators

So who should we support? Egyptiant fight to get peace back. Why should we support As Sissi that trying to own the country harmful way

# pray4egypt

Arglax Moderated Message:
Hello, next time, please try to be more clear. It took me a good 5 minutes to figure out what your 5 sentences were supposed to mean.


"The US and Israel didn't like Mörsi because he was helping Palestina to become an independent nation. They use el-Sisi to overthrow Mörsi and have now used him to forcefully stop the sit-in at the Rabaah al-Adawiya mosque. I think we should support the Egyptians.

Also, try to add a bit more content. You're not telling us anything we don't know yet.
Last edited by Arglax; Aug 17, 2013 at 05:08 PM.
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