Original Post
Unibash recruitment!

Hello fellow members of the toribash forums.
We have decided to revive unibash since it is almost dead at the moment and we're in need of some quality members to help with certain tasks.

What is Unibash?

Unibash is a group of voluntary people dedicated to helping begginer players in a variety of areas such as ingame, in the market and with clan related subjects. We also test those who think they have sufficient skills in any of those areas and award them with achievement should they pass our tests.
Unibash has a group of highly qualified staff including in-game teachers to help people in the main Toribash mods, which are: Aikido, Judo, Wushu, Taekkyon and Sparring mods. They can give all the support needed about your mod even in theory or in practice. Additionally there are clan and market testers who judge the clan and market tests and decide who to give achievements to.
Visite the unibash board to find out more.

What would I apply for?

  • Ingame teachers

We mostly need in-game teachers at the moment but applications for all positions are always open.
Before applying to become an ingame teacher with your own courses/classes makes sure that you actually have enough time to complete those classes. Backing out halfway through might mean you get kicked out of unibash and will reflect badly on any future applications to a staff position. Additionally you must have a mature personality. We don't want to see anybody complaining about a rude or extremely childish teacher.

  • Market and Clan Graduation Testers

While most of the people we will hire will be ingame testers we still need a few more people to help mark the tests for the clan and market graduate achievements. these people will have access to a private board on unibash where they will be able to see all tests and vote on if it should pass or not and why. You will reciieve the password for that board once you have been accepted.
As as tester you should be active on #Unibash IRC channel and frequent the private board to mark any new tests.

How do I apply?

The application is free form. Include whatever you want to but it must contain a picture of a wizard fighting a dragon. The quality of the picture will not effect your application at all but we still ask that you try your best. (Any pictures that have been made with obviously no effort will be disqualified).
Something that is not required but is a good idea to put in your application is your timezone in GMT
All applications MUST be sent to Handler or Text.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask Handler or Text on this thread or via pm.