Original Post
Increasing clan cost
well these days toribash is getting bigger
alot of people are joining
and 10k is now easy to get
there is like over 100 clans alive and its getting more everyday
any newbie or new to toribash could just get 10k with a paypal
and alot of clans are dying
i think we should increase the cost to like 20k or something
or make requirements for making a clan
like belts or something
the main idea is to make making clans harder
erth made some good points about this so all these points are shit
clans are getting too much these days and most of them are dying
The main idea is
a monthly or weekly fee.
erth made some good points
and the only thing i am saying a monthly fee
Last edited by scorpionma; Dec 19, 2013 at 01:31 PM.
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