Name :Josh
Age :15
Favorite Mods :Aikido,Erth tk,Wushu, Mushu, mostly depends on my mood
Any Bans :Nope
Previous Clans :Paradox
How much time do you spend Playing Toribash :2 hours
Forum Activity :I sell and post replays
Since when do you Play Toribash :I started in 2012 then quit.I came back a year later.
Your Belt : Brown,almost black
Any Special Skills :no sorry
Willing to help the clan with those skills :^
Timezone / Nationality / Languages :eastern,American,English
Alts :Lelukd
Did you read and understand the Rules :Mayyyybeee.Of course
Invited by someone ( if you Joined a Recruitment Server of our Clan) or got any Friends in the Clan :No