I'm gonna shorten it up some because it's bloody past midnight here.

It begins in the theater, me watching some performance with a girl I kinda like. So like I confessed and shit and kissed her. Then I was alone in an interior forest of sorts (in a massive biome-dome thing) and shit began to go down. I saw meteorites rippling through the fucking atmosphere landing closer and closer to me. I ran into a ruined house and tried to shelter myself in the rubble because that's so helpful against meteorites. Other people just stayed outside, hiding under the trees, just to be torn apart by brown wolves or other beasts. Some kind of flashforward and I'm like 2 years after the incident, working with some survivors at my school to build a safehouse. The survivor force was led by an industrial-kinda dictator that forced everybody into back-breaking labor. Then I was in a class, having a cig when I heard someone mention that girl's name. I rushed to him for answers and hey-ho. I saw her again on the stairs. We hugged for minutes, never felt such relief in my entire life.

That really fucked me up upon wake up. The feels are real.