Originally Posted by bruh182 View Post
*Forum/Ingame/IRC activity:joining tournys, joining random lobbies, messing around when im bored, trying hard when theres black belts and above
*Previous Clans (as well as the reasons that made you leave them): haven't joined one yet
*Toribash related skills you might have: going ham in tourneys
irc: weekends cuz im still in high school and take ap classes so its hard


You have been rejected.
The main reason is you did not put any effort into your application. You just copy pasted the needed information from the first post and answered the questions.
We'll start to ignore apps that aren't free form and applicants who don't put at least a little effort into their application. It only shows you are not putting effort into joining the clan.

Free-form applications are really appreciated. That means you should write what you think that is relevant for us to know about you (including the information we want to know that's stated in the first post). You can talk about yourself a little, why you want to join the clan, etc. The better the application, the higher are your chances on getting accepted. Getting to know us a little before applying will also help you a lot. Try joining our ingame rooms and our IRC channel (you can find a link to it in the first post).