Original Post
[Origin] Job Guide
hey there family! I've notice that certain people have had several questions about the ranks , just simple questions like, " whats the point of this rank" or "how to achieve that rank" so i decided to create a guide on all the jobs so there won't be anymore mix ups about what suppose to be done at an in-particular job. i encourage all to read this. have any questions feel free to ask me at anytime.

Job list
founder-dictator of the clan. makes sure the clan is running and up to speed.
How to achieve the rank of founder: This rank cant be achieve really. its the rank receive you for creating the clan.

clan commanders- there the commanders of the clan, the co-leaders. there job is to basically carry out rules and also make sure the clan an its members are doing what they are suppose to be doing.
how to achieve the rank of Clan commander: in order to achieve this rank you must send a application To the leader so i can review it. from there i (the leader), may send it to the prime chancellor so the council can vote. after they vote(if we do that step), i will make a information thread on the subject and attached to it will be a voting pole. members of origin(sometimes allies), will vote on who they thank should become a leader. if for any reason there a tie, the prime chancellor will be asked to rather the council so they can brake the time.

Executive officer-basically at this job you are the clans manger. you make sure every one under you is doing what they are suppose to do. you give the leaders incite on problems with in the clan. you know things the leaders might not see happening.
How to achieve the rank of Executive officer: in order to achieve this work you have to responsible. the leaders will pick who they thank fit the position. once they do, they make a poll to see what the people(members and same times allies) thank of there pick. if the votes turn out good that person gets the spot. in order to get picked you must try to stand out and do great things for the clan with out looking for same thing in return.

prime chancellor-the dictator of the council. makes sure all problems that are given to the council to vote on are carried out an answered.
How to achieve the rank of prime chancellor: you must be apart of the council first. after you become a member of the council, they vote one who they thank should be the face of the council .

origin council-the group of people that vote on any an everything bought forth to them. they even the tie breakers in most cases.
How to achieve the rank of origin council:first you send a application to the prime chancellor . after he reads it , he will then send it to the leaders an see what they take. if it checks out with the leaders the application will then be posted on the private board where the origin council will vote you in or out.

executive recruiter- at this job you make sure the recruiters are doing there jobs as well as help decide key rules in the recruitment side of the clan.
How to achieve the rank of executive recruiter : since the executive recruiter deals with all things recruitment it makes since if you were a regular recruiter first, so you get to know the job batter. you most prove your knowledge of recruitment to the leaders. if you are successful at doing so, then we will put you in charge of recruitment.

recruiters-the faces of recruitment. they bring in members to the clan. they also test applicants!

How to achieve the rank of recruiter: get get this rank you must prove you have good judgement. you must be able to spot new talent and be a peoples person. you also have to be active on forums and in-game. we need to know when that you are ready to test/ recruit at all times.
War commander-hes the clan's God of war. he or she dictators all things war.
How to achieve the rank of war commander: to achieve this work you must show the leader that you have both leadership and fighting skills. you must be able to lead your team physically and martially. basically proving you are a badass should help open the leaders eyes.

war disciples-basically the war team. they are appointed by the war commander or leaders. if either the war commander or a leader feels he/she should be voted in it goes the head councilman so he can have it voted on.
How to achieve the rank of war disciples:To achieve this rank you must work hard in battle to prove you belong in this rank. no application requested or anything, just simply to show the leader or the war commander that you have the skill to pay the bills.
Last edited by WeppetKo; Jun 16, 2015 at 09:50 AM. Reason: title fix
|Proud founder of origin|
Clan Squad|Event Squad<Biggems|Simga|
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