Original Post
The [Inquisition] Calls!
The History of the Inquisition

It is several millenia hence. Mankind has spread across the stars and the Empire of Man has conquered the galaxy. At the head of the Empire is the God_Emperor of Mankind. He remains on Earth, a symbol of devotion and faith. But not all is gumdrops and sunshine. In its conquest fo the galaxy, Mankind has found numerous alien empires, and far worse things. Having discovered hyper-light speed travel, Man has discovered an alternate dimension, known as the Curse. It is a repository for all conscious thoughts and emotions and from these baleful energies pour forth demons that tear at the fabric of reality, intent on devouring the souls of the living after corrupting human hosts. And, as was always true of any civilization, there are dissenters among the Empire. There are those who traffic with the forces bent on humanity's eradicatoin, willingly manifesting demons, or committing blasphemy against the Imperial Creed, disavowing worship of the God-Emperor for far darker powers. In these dark, troubled times, the Inquisition was created.
The Inquisition is a clandestine organization whose sole mission is the preservation of Mankind's dominion over the stars. It is divided into three separate branches: the Ordo Xenos, the Ordo Malleus, and the Ordo Hereticus. The Ordo Xenos is tasked with the extermination of all aliens and their traces fromt he galaxy. The Ordo Malleus fights the never-ending battle against the creatures of the Cursed Realm and their followers. The Ordo Hereticus seeks out all cults and heretics who jeopardize the authority of the Imperial Creed.
An Inquisitor's power is limitless, his scope unrestrained. Cities may burn, populations executed, whole planests and systems rendered barren wasteds; all at the behest of an Inquisitor. He has access to all resources, can usurp any power, execute anyone if he believes that it will further his mission. For the Inquisition is the God-Emperor's will incarnate and each Inquisitor is a vessel for his holy wrath. They are everywhere and nowhere; all Imperial citizens, from the lowest scribe to the Lords of Earth themselves fear them, for none are above the scrutiny of the Inquisition.


Members List (12 tot.):
Lord_Inquisitor (Rank of Inquisitor Imperatoris)

Lightningkid(Head Recruiter) (Under Special Condition emergency powers)

Inquisitors (9):

Interrogators (0):
Explicators (0):
Noviciates (0):


We are a Persecution clan.

The Inquisition is looking for members (FYI: the tag is [Inquisition]). We are not selective, but we have a hierarchy, which is as follows:
Inquisitor Imperatoris: Supreme Leader (me!) specs: Must have achieved a rank of 5 or above, ever.
Lord Inquisitor: Leader (that would be CrazyNinja) Specs: Must have achieved a rank of 10 or above, ever.
Inquisitor_Primus: Just below Lord (Used to be me, but I promoted myself) Specs: Must have achieved a rank of 100 or above, ever.
Inquisitor: Line officer (You have to do the dirty work) Specs: Must have achieved a rank of 150 or above, ever.
Interrogator: Inquisitor wannabe (You're almost there!) Specs: Must have achieved a rank of 300 or above, ever.
Explicator: Not a newb (A small step up) Specs: Must have achieved a rank of 500 or above, ever.
Noviciate: Newb (We're gonna train you up, worm!) Specs: Must have played, ever(duh Roll Eyes) and hopefully achieved a rank above 800.

These ranks are unofficial (except for lord and above) and don't count for anything outside the clan. If you wish to join send me a missive (that's an email for you Noviciates) and give me the highest rank you have ever achieved. Belt color isn't important, just rank. Remember, these are just metaphorical ranks. You will then be tested at an appointed time by one of the leaders, to see if you will be allowed to join, and then given an appropriate promotion, or demotion, depending on your skill.
All the Inquisition asks is that you carry the light of faith (in toribash), to the far-flung corners of the universe and to persecute (politely ask to join the toribash community), the alien(has never heard of Toribash), the demon(claims that people who play Toribash are suxorz), and the heretic(played Toribash, but stopped, claiming that it wasn't good), and of course, keep on 'bashing . If you think yourself of sufficient piety, then join us and pierce the darkness of heresy with the light of faith.
None are above the Inquisition's gaze!

The Emperor Protects!
Thought for the Day:
A spark of faith can ignite a fire that purges the darkness of heresy.

P.S. Feel free to type in baroque English form and try to express the philosophy of the Inquisition wherever you go.

P.P.S. We seek to become an official clan, so we need anyone willing to join, to join.

The Emperor Protects!
Thought for the Day:
The majority of mankind is already damned. Our purpose is to illuminate those not fated for heresy and to persecute those who have already succumbed.
Last edited by Lord_Inquisitor; Aug 2, 2007 at 05:15 PM. Reason: Mass Reorganization

~I refute the conventions of mortal existence. It is much more enjoyable to be a god.~