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Joining a clan
Hello everyone, as the majority of people in toribash know, joining a clan is a very difficult decision to make, in this tutorial I will lead you through the steps that my clan follows as well as point out some things that a leader looks for in a player.

Step 1:Choosing an appropriate clan to join.
Choosing who you are going to join is a good portion of the battle when looking for a clan. You're first instinct is probably find the best clan that will accept you, don't. If this is your first clan try your best to join a clan with equal skill to yours. As a leader I personally will do in-game tests to make sure you aren't a white belt wasting my time. Some clans are public or set up as a fan base, such as (Sinon) or (MOFF), which are in my opinion great places to start as a first clan, they lack requirements for joining, you will get a good taste of what it is like to be in a clan environment. Always look at the clan's thread and think about the following before you choose what clan to join: Whether you want your clan to be official or not (official will be harder to join but it has it's perks) The leaders expectations for the members, skill wise and activity (ingame and on forums.) Before you choose make sure you are aware that if you apply for multiple clans at once you are not likely to get in, and if you jump from one clan to another people will stop inviting you, no matter your skill level. Now go out there, research in what clan you want to join, and meet back here for the next part of the tutorial: applying!

Things you may want to know about clans before you apply

Now that you have chosen a clan to join you now have to apply to the clan! Leaders go about letting players join a clan in different ways, some will have you apply on forums, then have an ingame test, some leaders just want skilled players so they scrap applying on forums, and other leaders want someone reliable on forums. I will describe the recruitment process I use which gets the best of both worlds.
Step 2: Creating your application.
Now that you picked out a clan you have to apply to their clan, before you do anything don't be that kid that just applies on the clan page, choose the correct area to apply to usually a clan will have a link or a url on their clan page. When applying to any clan, there will be directions including what format and what information is needed for an application. To be safe read the whole first post and create your application! Clans differ on how they want applications done, some leaders prefer freeform because it takes time and effort to create and it shows devotion to be writing a little essay just to join a clan. Other leaders just want cold hard facts they can skim over, follow the guidelines that are given and no matter what NEVER copy and paste an application. As a leader a copy and pasted (also called a c/p or a cookie cutter application) are the most annoying things around and are an auto deny for the majority of leaders out there.

Example of well executed FREEFORM applications.

Step 3: Ingame test time!
Assuming you have made it this far, some leaders will ask for a ingame test to make sure you fit their requirements. This is often the deciding factor of whether you get in or not so you have to go all out on your tester. If you give the tester a good fight and beat him/her a couple of times in a fair game, you are almost guaranteed entrance into their clan. Things to remember are to play fair, give it a good fight, and show you know how to use your tori, don't rely on snap kicks, give a good grapple war, make some good saves and you will be off on the right track.

Step 4: Accepting your invitation and being a productive member in your new clan.
If you made it this far that is a good sign, somehow one of the hardest things for people to grasp is actually accepting the invitation to the clan but it is quite simple, once the leader/tester says they have sent an invitation, you simpily go onto forums, (make sure you are in your correct account)hit the "Clans" button on the top of forums and you will be greeted with a message
"________ invited you to join _________ <insert date>"
click on accept and you have made it into a clan!
Now that you are in you have to be a member worth keeping, follow the rules and see if your new clan has a skype group chat you can join, if not rely on forums but always be active and always meet up with a clan member if possible. Be nice, be good, and you will be well on your way to making it towards the top of the totem poll in your new clan.
Helpful Tips

tips go in here

Clans that stand out to ME

Last edited by WorldEater; Oct 28, 2017 at 03:47 PM.
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert