Original Post
(iMortale) iMortale


Leaders=> Sarcophagous - SkitzofreniK
Excelsum Ranked> ToriPornStar
Mediocris Ranked> ####
Inactive=> Retaliation - ####

1.0=> Get Our Rank Under 50 [ ]
2.0=> Make Our Rank Official [ ]
3.0=> Have More than 10 Members [ ]

1.0=>RSC(Random Stealth Check) every week.
2.0=>Do not insult any fellowmen/Clan Mate.
3.0=>Be active on forum, In-Game is not taken in consideration.
4.0=>Don't be a pain in the ass, and stupid questions are allowed such as: Penguin got knees?
5.0=> Have fun and stay awesome.

pssss click the image for recruitment
Last edited by SKITZOFRENIK; Nov 7, 2020 at 06:26 PM. Reason: Revamp
I'm a wordsmith cursed with verses and the worst shit.
A vile winged wicked bird who no one lurks with.