Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
I'd have to look at your card collection. Probably the Patron Warrior or Handlock. Tempo Mage is pretty cheap too. Hell demon lock is a thing.

Problem with Zoo is there's way way too much Patron Warrior out there.

You can't run Ramp Druid?

Patron Warrior doesn't feel efficient without Grommash. Most Tempo Mages run Antonidas and/or Rag, cards which I don't have. The Mech Druid I used to run doesn't really fit in right now because I doesn't have taunts and gets rushed down quickly.

I can't really make a Handlock yet because I don't have Jaraxuss or any of the giants. I'm thinking of buying the 5th wing of naxx and then grinding arena for dust and slowly work my way towards a decent Handlock deck.

These are my only "worthwhile" decks I use for laddering.
