Original Post
ecksdeemcgee the free cncs
When I was only 3 years old, I had garden gnamoes and smurf dolls, i used to play with them everyday. I made replays with action. after using my nerf double barreld shotgun in a smurfgnome vs santa presempts fight. I killeded a worm, this made my cry. i had record so i kept look it . every time i cri i posted video in pewdiepie youtube thread. but i ended up like a mango man. i crying again. after my delisional adventure to the bathroom to play with my gnomes and smurfs. i got dirty by poop, so in instics i threw stuff in toilet. ny gnow now it toilet i had to flush my dog always eat from toilet so icold not use gnome no more. so i flush, i see gnome go down toilet i feel tear going down face. i new to commented a sin so i went to the fridge and grabbed pot of mustard, i got so angty after eating the mustard i boom hitted the pot, now glass with spit and mustrard everywhere. i flee to room, i quick grab brick i store for hard moment, i stuff birck in my hand. i feel saf now, ther no danger with bricck. i stil cary poto of brikc today here is he

Where i am going with STORY?!?!? WEll, me recorded vedeo so I "cnC"" everyday, so i expierience! this why i make cnc on ur replay

I have been replay making for the and this was not hampa but good enough, I used to play with my garden gnomes in the bathtub but I flushed them so this is all I have. "W"

Anyway I just got this gam is good
Last edited by ecksdeemcgee; Oct 18, 2015 at 09:44 PM. Reason: i felded like more info needed