Regarding the "fuck immigrants" thing

I openly, and actively hate Islam at this point, and don't understand why everyone doesn't? It's a barbaric faith of murderers and bigots that only an idiot or a monster could participate in (or someone who doesn't have a choice).

That said, muslims =/= immigrants.

People tend to blame immigrants for the attack, which isn't the case. It's the byproduct of many things, but immigrants from Vietnam, or Ukraine don't tend to carry out such acts.
Islam isn't the only reason for these attacks obviously, but don't compare acts only targeted at civilians to cause terror with war, those aren't the same thing.

Islam is a choice, its not a race, nor is it a skin color. It's a belief, and if you believe in such horrible things, I despise you and all of the billion people who claim to be muslims.

Once more, don't hate the immigrants for they had to leave their homes in need of help. They are the ones who also need sympathy in this world. But do despise every single muslim, not because they might be bad people, but because they support such a horrible faith. What happened in Paris was obviously a tragedy, but don't take it out on all immigrants, that wont help anyone, and will just cause more suffering.

And for those who have the nerve to claim that screaming "allahu akrab" while killing over 100 "infidels" in the name of allah has nothing to do with religion, or islam:
Eat a crusted poo.
Last edited by cowmeat; Nov 14, 2015 at 11:38 AM.