Minimum Android Version is now 2.2

Originally Posted by Solax View Post
I've had to do custom html post requests to get a lot of non api existing features in the various scripts I've made (things like sending pms, posting messages, generating items etc...). It's workable and something you may be able to look into but it would be much better to have api support for it.

What could be cool with this and that immediately comes to mind is notifications - the whole beauty of having a phone that's with you nearly everywhere. You could set a setting to alert you to when a gm tourney global is sent out for example. Or notifications when certain users come online or when an item is uploaded to the market at a certain price. Lots of possibilities, very intrigued.

Yeah the API lacks some useful features but it contains some stuff that would be a pain in the ass to html parse. I'm almost sure I've already found a way to detect staff-only actions, Hope it works lol
Really loved the notifications idea, I'll be adding basic ones today and add more in time