Alright here's how to cook chicken tikka masala:


Okay, now that we're done there, PREPARE YOUR CHICKEN. I use boneless/skinless thighs here, but use whatever the fuck I don't care.

Transfer bite sized chunks to a mixing bowl, and add salt.

Remember that you're dumb and forgot to toast your spices. Do so. I have cumin, allspice, star anise, cinnamon, and coriander seeds here.

Grind toasted spices in a food processor because you can't find the lid to the spice grinder. They'll be coarse, but this is okay.

Now, add the juice of half a lemon, paprika, tumeric, about half a cup of heavy whipping creme, and half your spice mixture to your chicken. Mix with your grubby little hands and set aside in the refridgerator. If you're doing this shit properly, cover and let it sit about 6-8 hours.

Mince a hearty knob of ginger, about 5-6 cloves of garlic (Throwing away the garlic press you just bought because it turned out to be a piece of shit), and slice an onion. Set aside

Roughly chop a rough amount of cilantro.

Add oil to your preheated pan, and quickly take the now flaming pan outside because it immediately caught on fire due to faulty wiring in your stove keeping the burner at full blast instead of medium. Switch pans. Preheat broiler.

Arrange chicken on a foil lined baking pan, slide into broiler.

Cook onions/garlic/ginger mixture until it softens.

Add seasoning mixture, stir and fry for a bit, then add ~4 tablespoons of yogurt in tablespoon increments, stirring it in.

Once yogurt is incorporated, add cilantro, paprika, tumeric, a bit of black pepper, some chicken stock, and a can of crushed tomatoes, start forgetting to take pictures.

Cook for a bit, then blend the shit out of the entire mess, I used a stick blender. No pictures because I'm an idiot.

When the chicken is starting to get some charring, pull out and incorporate into the sauce. Cook for a bit, and serve with rice. Please excuse Kitfox flipping me off in the background.

Came out a bit thin for my liking, but was tasty.
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH