ok the problem with communisum is truly humanity in a small village or island ect... or on paper comunisum is perfict and brilant, the problem is the following list
1. in order for a country to become communist it must go through a communist revolushion, a communist must then take control inorder to set up the communist society. problem one: humans are power mad, find me any person who will step down from leading a country after having that power. if he dosent hes then the leader of the country and not on an equal levol with everyone else

2. problem 2 you have 3 people doing the same job all right next to each other, there all being payed the same, there making shoes, the man on the right is making 10 shoes a day, the man in the middle is making 15 shoes a day, the man on the left is making 5 shoes a day, there all being payed the same amount, the men on on the right and in the middle see that the man on the left is doing less work then them and getting paid the same, they deside there only going to do as much work as the man on the left, now your country has a shortage of shoes, now what are you going to do? your ppl are all running aroun bare foot and theres nothing you can do, you cant tell them to work harder, whats there insentive they wont be paid more for doing more work, you cant fire them cus that goes against what you stand for, the shortage contenues.

get what im saying? you cant have a large communist country because humans are imperfict
Last edited by andcream; Dec 19, 2008 at 12:46 AM.
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