Original Post
[Suggestion] Staff Status List

Visualization of my idea

The Community is mostly unaware whats going on in the Staff's issues to keep the game entertained such as a lack of item forgers who can make awesome event prizes.
(Notice how the house of card collapses, it's all about teamwork)
The Staff also can't just share all their info about their work for obvious reasons BUT.
I came to a idea that would improve the recruitment quality and make the Community aware when and what they should be applying for which leads to the improvement of the upkeep quality.

The concept:
I think of a pinned post on the News section that would contain a updated list of what type of help the Staff is looking for right now.

keeping a socially entertained Community should be one of the most important aspects of the work,
and to maintain this quality there has to be a kind of connection between the staff and the Community not only to gather valueable information and react to them but also to let the Community know that we need more "housekeepers" to keep our game "tidy" from time to time and this would be the right tool for it instead of posting a recruitment every time it gets actually too bad.

Sorry if i made any errors, speaking over 4-5 languages without making mistakes is quite hard to me.

Last edited by Nikos; Sep 29, 2016 at 06:21 PM.