Original Post
A needed position not present
Hello staff,

2 weeks ago I reported an incident that has been happening to me frequently in-game;

And every time I reported it before, it got dealt with. This time it happened in the Arabic language; no staff member could help because none speaks the language.

I speak Arabic as a first language, and I have several Arabic friends in Toribash; so there are Arabic-speaking players in Toribash which in my opinion means we need Arabic-speaking staff members and translators for when something needs to be dealt with.

I have also once seen a person post in Arabic asking for someone to translate a thread main post for him because he only speaks Arabic.

I hope we get Arabic-speaking staff members soon.

I am more than willing to be in this position. I am very active in-game and on the forums. I would love to be considered an official translator or whatever is needed. I don't know where to apply so I combined my application with this complaint here. I also have some clan-mates and friends who are staff members if I need references.