Actually happened this weekend.

At a friends wine farm sitting on a parked electric golf cart(unbeknownst to me, the owner had removed the soft start limiter, upped the power and broken the ignition so it couldnt be turned off.) and a friend sat next to me and jokingly put her foot on the accelerator, we launched, practically wheelied through a partly opened sliding door, my knee getting stuck between the door and the cart, into the wine cellar, and through a wall of empty wine barrels and tables, again my knee getting caught between the barrels and the cart.
At which point i apparently managed to get my foot onto the brake, where I somehow ripped out one of my toe nails.

It was one of those things where so much could have gone wrong, had the barrels fallen on top of us instead of to the sides, had the sliding door been closed, or had the sharp AF machete that was on the dash come loose, had i missed the brake, things could have ended pretty badly.

Instead, my knee is a little sore and Im missing a toe nail and the girl doesnt have a scratch on her.
It was hilarious.

No wine bottles where harmed in the telling of this story.
Last edited by BenDover; Jan 10, 2017 at 03:42 PM.
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