waiting for things.rpl

alright, here we go

that opener, wtf is that, you seem to fall over to the side and then rotate before getting into a fantastic run. contracting those ankles in the beginning was a huge mistake, as it allowed rotation when starting your run, thus making it looks bad. run was very nice, smooth and fast, and that jump was pretty good too. but the arms just hanging there, why? do something with them, or at least make them not so close together. I understand why you did it, so you could set up for the slide down( very well done btw) but there are other ways to set up than leaving your arms up like you're doing the wave.

the roll over the no-friction part, quite nice actually, I enjoyed that. unqiue, and although it doesn't look as professional as a nice roll or slide could've been, it was one of the best ways I've seen to get over that part.

b-twist when you land is nice, jump up is alright, but that land to go into a backflip is horrendous. I would've expected another twist onto that part, but instead I was greeted with an abrupt landing into a (corkscrew?). I really expected to see another rotation to get onto the white platform.

the run and the climb up the platform following are nice, the climb could maybe be better, but I don't really see how, maybe another foot plant would be nice. I would've liked to see a launch up there to be honest, or maybe another flip onto the ledge, but whatever, what you have works and looks good.

the twist, run and jump are all decent, but I know that if you took time to make it better, you could make it better. nothing to comment on here.

the jump off the ledge was nice, but you could've aimed it better, and dropped onto the walkway, or did some sort of trick on the small ledge sticking out of the other wall.

it's cool that you didn't follow the set path, and decided to jump off the side instead, but my personal preference would've been to finish the whole map. I get that once you've done a map so many time, it gets boring to follow a set path. nothing to comment on here.

overall, pretty good replay, with some things that could be fixed up(like that damn opener!). I rate 9/10, you did a great job with flow and creativity, and I thoroughly enjoyed cnc'ing your replay.

if you could do one thing for me, that'd be great. please cnc two other people's replay on toribash. as you know, toribash is starting to become stagnant, and many replay makers aren't getting the helpful cnc they need to improve. please, please comment on two other people's replays, so we can get our game back on track. thank you
Last edited by Karbn; Feb 19, 2017 at 03:14 PM.
hi i'm karbn and i eat ass; love the market overlord