Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[DSC] Clan Judgement

A long time ago, in galaxy far away... On planet named Earth, in country named Poland, in TS server named Lolek, in channel named Toribash three good friends: Verax, 19lolek25 and Flawless Wildfire16 had an idea to create a clan of Judges, who will evaluate, punish or reward every Toribash player. Now they are looking for assitans, who will help them to make better whole Toribash Community.

Clan Aim: We will chase all scammers and other criminals. So all bad ppl:
Be careful with your crimes, because we will watch you

Main Judge:


1 You must know one of the judges and he must confirm that, if not don't read other rules
2. You must be 4th dan or up if not don't read other rules
3. You must be active on forum if not don't read other rules
4. You must be fair and be respected in Community (If someone have proof that you're scammer you can't join)
5. Nationality: doesn't matter

Now if you want to apply, write post like that:
Who from judges know you:
Number of post which you written on forum:

and wait for agree from other judges.
Last edited by Wildfire16; Jan 4, 2009 at 02:50 PM.