Recruitment request
Hi, my IGN is Bobbiejr03, and im 13. My belt is blue though i am a good blue belt and have fought some over your people before although i do not remember them specifically. I dont know how to put replays here sorry. My reason's to want to join this clan are ive read some on your discousion thread and you guys seem nice, and i want to be part of a good clan. My skills are im learning parkour and tricking though im not good right now. I cant make textures to save my life. My favorite mod is parkour mods i dont have a specific one. Im very active in-game and will be on the forums. I can help the clan with replays once i get good enough also I can just be a new person to talk to. Thank you PS. I have dislexia.
Last edited by Bobbiejr03; Feb 14, 2017 at 08:10 PM. Reason: I had to edit this because i put my favorite mood instead of mod because i read it wrong.