Original Post
Nabi Endurance Championships!
Tournament is over, hope you all had lots of fun! I would like to thank everybody in making this event a huge success, with 55 participants!

Congratulations to our winners!

1st place - Gubbin1, 212 points
2nd place - MadWoozie, 151 points
3rd place - Cyclone3, 124 points

Nabi Endurance Championships

Hey everybody, and welcome to the Nabi Endurance Championships! This tournament is sure to be an exciting one unlike most you have participated in in the past!

What is it? The Nabi Endurance Championships is a unique, eight hour long competition. You do not have to be present for the entire eight hours of course, don't worry. Throughout the time you are playing you will earn points for various feats and match outcomes. You will even win some points for losses and draws! So, speaking of scoring, let's keep moving right along to that!

win a match: 5 points
win a match and decap your opponent: 7 points
Win a match with more than 200k points: 8 points
Draw: 1 point each
Lose: 1 point
Lose, but decap your opponent: 2 points

Prizes: First Place: 75k
............Second Place: 50k
............Third Place: 25k

Date: Monday, January 19th

Time: 14:00 GMT - 22:00 GMT

Rules: The server will only have room for 12 competitors at a time, to make sure things stay moving and everyone has a chance to get points. Because of that, anybody that is in spectator mode for more than 5 minutes will be kicked. When you get back if the server has space you can come back in.

Also, to keep people from playing all day and preventing others from playing, each person can only play for a total of 4 hours.

Be nice to people, guys. No flaming. You'll be warned and if you keep doing it you'll get kicked. If you come back in after the kick and continue to do it you may be eliminated from the tournament at my discretion.

No excessive spamming or chat colors. It lags the server and it's generally annoying.

Mod: Every hour, the mod will change. It will cycle through Wushu, Aikido, and Judo.

Who can compete/How do I compete? Anybody can compete! Just show up to the tournament while the server is up during the 8 hour period listed above and play! Any points you earn in the manner listed above in the scoring section will be recorded. If you leave, feel free to come back. Your points will keep counting up.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Hope to see you on Monday!
Last edited by hidingwarior; Jan 20, 2009 at 04:58 AM.