Original Post
Linisden -- By: Sieg Wahrheit [PF] clan vertion
A story by Sieg Wahrheit.

In the town of Linisden, Lived a young citizen to the grate toribashian empire. this young boy was named Tori, and his best friend was called Uke. in there native language, Tori means attacker, and Uke means defender. the too both wore the customary town marker, the blue cloths that are bestowed upon them every birthday. But by name by nature, Tori was more aggressive than Uke, still they still got along fine.

"Hay Uke, Check this out!" Excitedly mumbled Tori. Tori was perched over a rock on the far east of there town, and he had found a small opening, just big enough for rats to climb through. "wow! I wonder were it leads?", Uke said this in a puzzled way that sparked Tori. "I have an idea... lets dig into this tunnel it seams to widen up as it gets further!" Tori bends so far down his head almost falls through the crack. "we will need some spades, and pick axes..." Tori rushed these words out of his mouth and like wise his body responded by jumping 5 feet off the rock landing on the ground.

Later that day, Uke and Tori had returned, there arms burdened 2 pickaxes and 2 shovels witch they carried with ease. The strength of these 2 was only matched by there stamina, and they cut through the rock with blunted pick axes as it is where a hot knife through polystyrene, excepted Maybe not so crackly and didn't smell so bad.

"Uke! Uke! check it out! where almost through the rock! i can see dirt!" Tori shouted "all right all right, no need to yell, I'm 3 feet away! but yea, you're right..." but Uke was anxious, Tori looked very hard working for this, to hard working, Even by Tori's standards. "you look worried, he he, it's only a hole in the ground!" tori mocked Uke, but Uke didn't reply.

"HAHA! that's it, no more rock, no more trouble, get the spades we might need to dig dirt out the way if it thins out again..." Tori commanded Uke while pointing to the tools and he stared at the digging site. "Good idea, how deep do you think it is?" Uke enquired. "It's deep. Very deep."

"Lets get moving." And Tori set off grabbing the shovel Uke chucked to him without so much as glancing a view. they ran and slid most of it as it was quite steep... and the further they went, the colder it got, also the rock was getting redder and render as they dropped... "It's cool down here isn't it Uke?" a rhetorical question to keep there minds off the cold. "Yea... burr.. in more ways than one!"

"HOLY VIRGIN MOTHER OF Jesus.h.crist!" was the call from both Uke and Tori, as they entered a big room glowing, radiating red energy, and orb hovered bobbing in the air like it was water.

"This isn't cool man, this is strange, we should tell the others!" Uke rushed say thing and started back but Tori stayed. "Oh Common! this is kicking rad man! I'm gonna hang around for this one." and before Uke could put a last word in the red energy in the room gathered... the orb reacted and all the energy piled on top the orb like solid matter. Uke was speechless, Tori was breathless as the orb surrounded him.

Uke ran, ran for all that he held dear. including Tori.

"HELP! HELP!" It was black now but already a red glow was shining out the top of the cave. "HELLP!" Uke called again and towns people came running. it took him a while but soon he recovered and was ready to tell the story, but suddenly!

Tori burst out of the cave destroying the arm of and killing the near by towns man, his once blue cloths, red, and his eyes burned with hatred.

To be continued...

post your opinions, I'll bee making the next section the next time I'm up until.. what is it now... 6:01 AM ><