Original Post
Random Discussion thread : Boo
If the rand disc. thread is for everything

it would eventually get full of discusdsion, cauzing confusion

I think we shold be able to atleast post THreads for diffrent topics, relating to clan or not

If this doesnt come:

Discussion thread will be filled with tohusands of posts, many confusions etc.

FOrums will Be Suggestions only pretty much
"My motivation is Failure" Call me Person.
{DarDarDarDar Dakneshh.}
Random discussion is basically for people posting small things. If you make a thread and you think its only gonna get like 1-3 replies, then it should probably go to the random discusison thread. I don't mind people making new threads about stuff, as long as the thread has an aim, and a purpose. =P
(Hive people only, haha!)
Make a thread about something if it's going to be discussed in depth. If not, random discussion.

Things such as tourniments, clan wars, ideas, etc.

If i deem it Random Discussion worthy, i'll merge threads.
collect snots from the nose