yeah its annoying also made a thread on the technical support (because here isn't the right place for that kind of request i suppose)
Hi, the update was announced almost a week ago:
Originally Posted by sir View Post
Realtime ghost updates

In short, we've made it possible to see realtime ghosts not only for spectators, but also for players currently fighting. We're also going to enable realtime ghosts in most public rooms later this week for everyone to try it out, so get ready to mind games with your opponents!

To try realtime ghosts in your own rooms, use /realtimeghost command.

Realtime ghosts will stay enabled until this weekend in all public rooms except tourneys and quick aikido, after that there will be separate rooms with realtime ghosts enabled for all and spectators only.
Real-time ghosts rant
Okay, since we're here I'm gonna rant about the real-time ghosts... cause I'm personally really upset on how poorly the change was handled.

The in-match real-time ghosts completely destroys the short-term strategy part of the game.

Before, you could use the reaction time to fiddle with your joints and think visually on what you're going to do. But with the real-time ghosts, there's now a negative value in doing that, since your opponent can see live what you're doing and change their strategy accordingly. This encourages people to set their joints last second, completely nullifying the reaction time mechanic. Try playing with 1 second reaction time, and you'll see what I mean. It significantly changes the meta, for more than people would like. I dare to say it doesn't even feel like Toribash anymore.

Separate rooms should've been there from the get-go. Full stop. Instead, you suddenly forced this massive change onto the pubs, ruining them for many people.

Who at Nabi thought this was a good idea? This is some CS:GO R8 Revolver level BS.
Originally Posted by ha2ard View Post
Okay, since we're here I'm gonna rant about the real-time ghosts... cause I'm personally really upset on how poorly the change was handled.

The in-match real-time ghosts completely destroys the short-term strategy part of the game.

Before, you could use the reaction time to fiddle with your joints and think visually on what you're going to do. But with the real-time ghosts, there's now a negative value in doing that, since your opponent can see live what you're doing and change their strategy accordingly. This encourages people to set their joints last second, completely nullifying the reaction time mechanic. Try playing with 1 second reaction time, and you'll see what I mean. It significantly changes the meta, for more than people would like. I dare to say it doesn't even feel like Toribash anymore.

Separate rooms should've been there from the get-go. Full stop. Instead, you suddenly forced this massive change onto the pubs, ruining them for many people.

Who at Nabi thought this was a good idea? This is some CS:GO R8 Revolver level BS.

It's not a permanent thing.. re-read sir's post again slowly.

On another note: that whole rant you had about changing the meta, that's a good thing. Meta has been the same boring shit for a long time - it's nice to see some change.
Realtime ghost is actually beneficial in sparring, helps you coordinate better with your partner
part of the uri-nation rateyourmusic
you clean your ears with a toothpick while listening to explosive diarrhea blood rectum metal
Originally Posted by SixTrix View Post
I support this. Also where is the post that announced the change? And no I will NOT use discord.

i feel it. it took me forever to get discord, but why may i ask are you against it?
Evil's Old School cracked out Paladin.