Originally Posted by NinjaBent View Post
Not in graphics. And xbox' controllers are also better.

the PS3 has superior graphics hands down.
Xbox controlers look and feel like cheap toys.
a few basic things.

-What consoles do your friends mostly have? borrowing games is better than buying them.
-What games are you looking to play? console specific games are often deal makers.
-FPS games are generally betteron xbox.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Xbox internet costs 2$ a month..
Also, it is might going to change to free internet.
The PS3 got good graphics. I agree. But it doesnt beat the xbox.
Xbox controllers are way better designed and better to hold. The PS3 controller is even trying to make their controllers like the xbox controller. The R2 and L2 at PS controllers are the same concept as Xbox controllers.
[Fr3styL]|TNT|Rooyall: Wanna smell my dick? Me: Why not? Rooyall: That's what I ask the girls all the time..
Originally Posted by NinjaBent View Post
Xbox internet costs 2$ a month..
Also, it is might going to change to free internet.
The PS3 got good graphics. I agree. But it doesnt beat the xbox.
Xbox controllers are way better designed and better to hold. The PS3 controller is even trying to make their controllers like the xbox controller. The R2 and L2 at PS controllers are the same concept as Xbox controllers.

> I doubt it
> No, just no. PS3 has more powerful hardware and it's games take advantage of it better. This is purely objective, the PS3 is more powerful, especially in the graphics department.
> xbox controllers are big and bulky and look like cheap toddlers toys. I always expect to see a fisher price logo on the back with 'play. laugh. grow' or whatever it is. The PS3 controllers are very similar to the PS3 controllers, which already have R2 and L2.
> PS3 is objectivly superior in every way. The only reason to get an xbox is if all your friends have them, which is exactly why Microsoft does not allow cross-platform gaming on the xbox.
the xbox 360 slim (the new one) is much better then the fuckin ps3....omg omg -.-

with HDMI the xbox 360 graphic is much better then the ps3 graphic....

the internet don't cost very much aswell only 2$ a month ...thats not very much lolz

and you guys saw the best shooter games on ps3 ? for example halo3 ? ^^

dead rising isn't avaible for the ps3 too...

just buy a xbox...
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The Online service of the Ps3 is free and the Ps3 can't get that RROD or something but...The Xbox360 has a much better Service...and the Graphics are better..the Controllers etc. both are Good...
I left Toribash... Don't PM me.
y think so too... both have their advantages
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