Original Post
Guess who is back?
Hey guys! Remember me? Well, i'm back to kick some FACE!

Can I get reinvited to the clan?
signature. your into this paste and copy backwards, this read to enough dumb were you if
Hmmm didnt give us much to guess about xD

welcome back anyway if youre accepted into inq, I dont remember you tbh but welcome back anyways :]
Originally Posted by Chac View Post
i remember you from your avvy

and mrninja was not boaf.

no no no... He was gta3. I asked boaf to change his name :P

And @ Nellis: Hi!!! Welcome back... I don't really know. Maybe. We'll see. :P
Gynx is a nubby nubly nub nub who nubs around nubbing
ohai nellis! I remember you ;P
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well