Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Influence Maps?
So, this is something I stumbled upon one day on dA. Figured some of you folks might find it interesting.

An influence map is what the name implies. A visual representation of all the things that influence you. How does one look like?

The Original Influence Map

My own influence map:

54's Influence Map

To explain the obvious trends, when I was little I had a cousin who was constantly importing things from across the sea. Also grew up watching adult swim with me bro and sis.
Although to be honest, I'm already finding myself wanting to change a lot of things on mine (Like including Matt Laskowski for one). Goes to show how little life experience I have I suppose (^_^;)

But yea, if anyone else wants to make an influence map you can find the template here: http://fox-orian.deviantart.com/art/...4550753?q=&qo=
Personally I think it'd be pretty cool to find out what artists/media influences each of us.
Last edited by GoodBox; Oct 23, 2012 at 11:48 AM.
Omg. This looks awesome. Would help to understand myself better ;o
I will do one of these pretty soon. Can't do it right now, though, since there is lots of work to be done(like, tests and stuff).
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc