Original Post
(cat) cat

this clan is invite only
but if you feel you are straight-edge, send me a PM to apply
thank you, azuremage stinks

Last edited by hobo; Dec 17, 2013 at 10:33 PM.
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
Favorite color - rainbuh
Name - meows
Age - 7 cats
Belt - white
Are you a cat? - no
If not, why - nothx
Past clans - none
How do you feel about the color purple? - whats a purple
Moms name? - mr meowingtons
Country - murica
Own any cats? ( I don't ) - i dont
Will you be loyal to cat? - no
Activity, no numbers - 14 catawatts
Witty comment ( Needed ) - cayts
Name a fruit - pineapple
Draw a cat using this please - http://sketchtoy.com/29335743
Favorite 1Direction singer? - the good one
If you don't like them, good
Do your milkshakes bring the boys to the yard? - sometimes
Last edited by meows_old; Apr 16, 2013 at 12:49 AM.
Last edited by hobo; Apr 16, 2013 at 12:51 AM.
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
Favorite color - Green
Name - Mittins
Age - unkown
Belt - white
Are you a cat? - yes!
If not, why - I am a cat!
Past clans - None
How do you feel about the color purple? - It is awesome! it makes me happy!
Moms name? - Mrs Mittins
Country - The united cat country
Own any cats? ( I don't ) - No, because i am a cat.
Will you be loyal to cat? - Yes
Activity, no numbers - Awesomely active
Witty comment ( Needed ) - Ima love all cats!
Name a fruit - Tomato
Draw a cat using this please - http://www.sketchtoy.com/29336070
Favorite 1Direction singer? -
Ummmmmm, None of the above!
If you don't like them, good
Do your milkshakes bring the boys to the yard? - Ohhhh, yeassshh!
Favorite color - Purple
Name - FagHat
Age - 2
Belt - 12th Dan
Are you a cat? - Sometimes
If not, why - n/a
Past clans - FagSauce, TheFags, ButtFuck, Faggatrons, Faegs
How do you feel about the color purple? - It's disgusting and I love it.
Moms name? - BitchCunt 3rd
Country - Mother Russia
Own any cats? ( I don't ) - 12
Will you be loyal to cat? - I hope
Activity, no numbers - twelve. Not a number. It's a word.
Witty comment ( Needed ) - Do not what a cat would do to a cat, but what your cat would do to my cat.
Name a fruit - Poontang
Draw a cat using this please - http://www.sketchtoy.com/29335634
Favorite 1Direction singer? - Simon Cowell
If you don't like them, good
Do your milkshakes bring the boys to the yard? - All day err day.
Last edited by MrMeowington; Apr 16, 2013 at 12:56 AM.
Favorite color - Swagbow
Name - Cat
Age - 5 in cat years
Belt - White Cat
Are you a cat? - no
If not, why - Cause i got nutered
Past clans - None
How do you feel about the color purple? - Swag Paws
Moms name? -Luffy
Country - America, Cat state
Own any cats? ( I don't ) - nah bru
Will you be loyal to cat? - Im one with the Meow
Activity, no numbers - I'm up there
Witty comment ( Needed ) - I go the best Cat balls ( i had)
Name a fruit - Pamaaj
Draw a cat using this please -http://sketchtoy.com/
Favorite 1Direction singer? - Slipknot
If you don't like them, good
Do your milkshakes bring the boys to the yard? - Dam right i bring 1 to the yard.
Favorite color - green
Name - ChairMeow
Age - in cat years, .5
Belt - White belt
Are you a cat? - Meow I think
If not, why -
Past clans -[Meow] & [Sweg]
How do you feel about the color purple? -My vagani is purpal so I can relate.
Moms name? - Stacy
Country -Merica""
Own any cats? ( I don't ) - Meoh
Will you be loyal to cat? - Meowbe
Activity, no numbers - 1
Witty comment ( Needed ) - Meow Doe
Name a fruit - Cat
Draw a cat using this please - "." http://www.sketchtoy.com/29337345
Favorite 1Direction singer? - -.-
If you don't like them, good
Do your milkshakes bring the boys to the yard? - Depends on the weather
Last edited by ChairMeow; Apr 16, 2013 at 01:03 AM.
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
I have kicked all but meows.
You weren't active enough.
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again