Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
stream betting, better integration
Attach streams to player accounts, so we can see offline streams, most popular, etc. Improving the streams integration is probably the most important thing I can see. It would be great to be able to embed the stream in to the forum with it's own chat tied to our forum accounts. It would also be great to have betting through the forums, so people watching the streams can bet on the games.

In game it would be nice to have a separate channel for people spectating through the stream, so players can read and respond to it, or just switch to the ingame chat so it doesn't get as spammed up.

  1. better stream integration with forums
  2. betting through streams
  3. read stream chat ingame
They should also have a mini screen of what is going on in the betting match,you can't expect people to bet just on names,sometimes moves count too
Bye bye toribash
Originally Posted by Fish View Post
Yeah that does sound pretty fun actually. Will look into it.

Originally Posted by 4kid View Post
They should also have a mini screen of what is going on in the betting match,you can't expect people to bet just on names,sometimes moves count too

As in, total bets on each side? And maybe expand to see who betted what and how much? That would certainly be neato.

And autoreturn bets if no one bets against of course...
Another way we could do this is add video to an IRC channnel. Like #streambets. We could show the stream on the IRC page instead of a usercp maybe. People would then see the page along with the name of the IRC channel.
They could go to that IRC and start betting with the video on the side of the screen.
Last edited by RedRebel24; Jul 24, 2013 at 03:14 PM.
[Team Wushu]
Pm me any questions! I will be happy to help.
betting integration with forum? fuck yeah please

simple idea:

bot required to join any #channels on twitch that stream toribash

each player will be able to add his twitch account name to tb profile.

name swap according to database

bet on command will transfer tc from tb account.

sorry for broken english sleepy as fuck

meh so basicly as i see it:

each player will be able to add his twitch account name to tb profile.

each twitch irc channel will be streamed to toribash irc server
basicly c/p from twirc to tbirc
each time hidden channel will be created and each twitch username in chat will be replaced by tb username (word swap), so tb bot on this hidden channel will be able to read commands such as /bet 100 name etc and manipulate tb users accounts invoices
Last edited by snake; Jul 25, 2013 at 12:50 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump