Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I did a madman!!!11
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Style Points.rpl (222.0 KB, 36 views)
Last edited by poop; Aug 17, 2014 at 07:59 PM.
Oldschooler | Evolution
The last one looked like you where trying to get someone fast more then freestyle and the jumps looked to high to be jumps
[The War Master of VoC]
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#Yolo'd it.rpl (358.3 KB, 20 views)
sparring__rooftop.tbm (36.7 KB, 9 views)
Last edited by poop; Aug 25, 2014 at 02:24 AM.
Oldschooler | Evolution
nice one.

i'll start off by saying your spins are really clean. the two you did in this replay were really smooth.

the first 150 or so frames seem really off. the steps are slow and your movement for them seems sort of clunky.

really nice swing over the bar though. the step going into it looked really natural aswell. one thing i did notice however is how, when you're swinging over, your left arm stays contracted, and it looks very still throughout the whole vault. it'd be nice if the left arm contributed to the vault in some way, or atleast looked like it.

the way you came off of the bar was nice, and the push off of the wall was neat. the only thing i noticed that puts me off is that your hand slightly collides with the bar, which isn't a major thing but it is noticable that it slows you down.

landing onto the bar was clean until you extended the knee. i felt that the extend was too sudden, how it just popped up like it did. it was an excellent set-up for what you were about to do next, i just think it would have been better if the knee extended a little smoother.

the jump off the bar was sweet, the spin was clean and well-landed. the swinging leg into the spin was good, but the rotation was off and so you had to land on your hand. the fact that your foot clips the floor a tiny bit is probably the reason that the spin landed, leaning so far forwards.

the transition into the next run actually flows pretty well. the only problems with it were that your left leg taps the floor once or twice, and for the steps around the beginning of it, your glutes are really extended. after that the run was fantastic. swinging arms were nice and your feet were light on the ground. the only thing i notice about the way you run is that your ankles are contracted for the majority of the steps, or atleast from what i saw in this replay. i understand why you did it for the first 2 steps, because contracting your ankle makes it easy to turn on, but it was unnecessary in the last run, and could have been fixed.

leap was pretty cool, i like stuff like that. could have relaxed knees for the take-off though, would have looked more dynamic and realistic

overall alright replay, although there were a few flaws in it that were easy fixes
thanks for the cnc dezrai and to mark 500 views here are some sweet dunks.
Attached Files
dat dunk.rpl (67.7 KB, 10 views)
dunk master.rpl (53.9 KB, 6 views)
Oldschooler | Evolution