Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Provided there are enough of them to make it possible, sure. If people think pandas are cute and want to spend money on them, all power to them
Originally Posted by ynvaser View Post
Fuck pandas. If we were to go extinct, they wouldn't care.

Why is this even debated? Everyone does what they want to do. Some people get off on preserving endangered species, so they make groups where people who share their fetish can get together and do their thing in unison.
But for the remaining 99% of the population, I don't think most of us would give a flying fuck if there were one less species crapping in the woods/bamboo forests. A panda isn't making oxygen, it's not particularly beneficial to plant life (that is recycling CO2) and I don't think panda meat is essential in anybody's diet (although I'd gladly fry me up some panda steak and eat it somewhere where enviro-hipsters gather).

*drops mic*

no shit they wouldn't care if we went extinct. we're the reason their habitat is being demolished. why the fuck would they care about us? we're just a problem. and sure, pandas aren't oxygen, but they are a species. they have thoughts and feelings and, i mean, do you not have a conscience?

Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Provided there are enough of them to make it possible, sure. If people think pandas are cute and want to spend money on them, all power to them

am i the only one who sees this differently? it shouldn't be a case of whether the panda is cute, or whether it's imperative to our existence. it's a living being, shouldn't that be enough?

i'm feeling like Gandhi over here...
Originally Posted by MintCat View Post
am i the only one who sees this differently? it shouldn't be a case of whether the panda is cute, or whether it's imperative to our existence. it's a living being, shouldn't that be enough?

i'm feeling like Gandhi over here...

Why? Why should it be enough? What inherent value is there in the existence of Pandas? They may be alive, but so are the insects/arachnids you squish and the plants/animals you consume to sustain yourself. Are you against moving/eating food?
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Why? Why should it be enough? What inherent value is there in the existence of Pandas? They may be alive, but so are the insects/arachnids you squish and the plants/animals you consume to sustain yourself. Are you against moving/eating food?

I don't consume any insects or animals, but I was trying to avoid that topic, guess I failed.
You're evidently too focused on finding the value of pandas (or things in general). This is not human. You should feel compassion, and you should feel happy that this magnificent animal still exists with us to this day. Do you not feel sympathetic towards the suffering? We drain this world's resources, and in return we should at least try to sustain the planet's species, otherwise we're just a virus with shoes (sorry Bill Hicks).
I honestly feel like I'm typing to Sheldon Cooper.
Originally Posted by MintCat View Post
I don't consume any insects or animals, but I was trying to avoid that topic, guess I failed.
You're evidently too focused on finding the value of pandas (or things in general). This is not human. You should feel compassion, and you should feel happy that this magnificent animal still exists with us to this day. Do you not feel sympathetic towards the suffering? We drain this world's resources, and in return we should at least try to sustain the planet's species, otherwise we're just a virus with shoes (sorry Bill Hicks).
I honestly feel like I'm typing to Sheldon Cooper.

There is a difference between compassion and forming an understanding of why something should be done. I like pandas, and I'd hate for them to die out, but c'mon,

Artificially preserving them is responsible for certain things like:

These pandas are so inept in every which way, that they've basically become domesticated creatures with tons of physical strength. The current giant pandas living today in zoos and in protected environments are the animal equivalent of Hodor. It's kind of sad at this point. I feel that we should either distance ourselves from the environment entirely, or fully commit to our actions and live with their consequences.

Last edited by Hyde; Apr 9, 2015 at 01:55 AM. Reason: buongiorno principessa
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
There is a difference between compassion and forming an understanding of why something should be done. I like pandas, and I'd hate for them to die out, but c'mon,

Artificially preserving them is responsible for certain things like:

These pandas are so inept in every which way, that they've basically become domesticated creatures with tons of physical strength. The current giant pandas living today in zoos and in protected environments are the animal equivalent of Hodor. It's kind of sad at this point. I feel that we should either distance ourselves from the environment entirely, or fully commit to our actions and live with their consequences.

The Hodor comment made me laugh.
Nevertheless, I can't see the consequences of committing a full-on artificial insemination funding to keep the pandas alive. "Inseminate those goddamn pandas!"
Then again, I don't know much about how the economy works in certain places, so that's something to be discussed. Is the money going into the panda's survival really a waste? Could it be used for 'more important' issues such as poverty? Who knows.

Originally Posted by Hyde View Post

So at this point do we care more about where the money is (and could be) going or where it comes from?
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by MintCat View Post
no shit they wouldn't care if we went extinct. we're the reason their habitat is being demolished. why the fuck would they care about us? we're just a problem. and sure, pandas aren't oxygen, but they are a species. they have thoughts and feelings and, i mean, do you not have a conscience?

Blame the Chinese, I'm quite sure my government has nothing to do with pandas whatsoever. Also, if you read the article linked by Hyde, pandas seem hell bent to die out themselves. No amount of funding will ever save them if they can't get their bone on.

I have feelings too. Right now, I feel like buying a pair of panda fur mittens.

Last edited by ynvaser; Apr 9, 2015 at 06:20 PM.
Panda's don't help their case by being so selective when breeding, takes like years for them to even contemplate re-producing.
Originally Posted by ynvaser View Post
Blame the Chinese, I'm quite sure my government has nothing to do with pandas whatsoever. Also, if you read the article linked by Hyde, pandas seem hell bent to die out themselves. No amount of funding will ever save them if they can't get their bone on.

I have feelings too. Right now, I feel like buying a pair of panda fur mittens.


So you would agree that the Chinese should fund preservation of Panda's? Otherwise your argument seems rather redundant. While perhaps Mintcat shouldn't hold the whole of humanity responsible for the near extinction of Pandas, it doesn't really matter who is to blame if you don't think anyone should be paying.

And about the mittens gag, I honestly find your fashion sense more offensive than you panda based goods fetish. Fur mittens are bad enough on their own without giving animal rights agencies even more to whine about. On a seriouse note, stop saying stuff because either a) it is controversial or b) it will offend/piss off Mintcat. You're allowed to enjoy yourself but I would rather you don't do it by flame baiting vegitarians and panda lovers. If you take this joke any further I will censor that shit.

Last edited by Zelda; Apr 9, 2015 at 10:28 PM. Reason: I can't spell.
Good morning sweet princess