Well then I guess welcome back to the community Mike hahah. I've been pretty on and off over the past 4 years with this game, could probably be a custom by now and be one with a good amount of QI. Lel
my brother was watching nerd cubed , i watched him , we both got the game started playing
got banned for advertising server , back then i thought ban was permanent then i made a new account wolfkidxD and now im here.
Originally Posted by Flame View Post
my brother was watching nerd cubed , i watched him , we both got the game started playing
got banned for advertising server , back then i thought ban was permanent then i made a new account wolfkidxD and now im here.

What year was the wolfkidxD account from?
I got into the game first by 2 youtubers called ChimneySwift11 And Mr360Games (Double). The game looked really fun so I tried it out and was fun, however I was bad so I looked up tutorials and found a channel called ManOnFireFilms (who recently changed there name to arcade crowd I believe) and it made me fall in love with the game even more.
ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky
Was on steam and hit the button to only list free games on store, surfed through a couple of pages and found toribash.
So I found Toribash in 2008, or start of 2009, while searching free games, I was 12 then, now I am 20... time flies :| then I lost my account in 2012 forum was hacked I believe and never got my acc back idk how it happend but nvm, had lots of other accounts, lots of pauses but I always go back, cause I just can't forgot this game, all the hours i spent and people i met, a year ago i found this account from 2010, and here I am.. Messy writen but i think you guys get this boring story.
"People, like to invent monsters and monstrosities. Then they seem less monstrous themselves."
In 2013 when I was 12 - 13 years old, I was really into animation. I got a PC as a Christmas gift and I started using blender, pivot and macromedia flash. I found Toribash through a recommendation since I liked animation. I originally only played Toribash to make replays but got into Multiplayer a month later.

I played the game so much, I believe I have more than 800+ hours on the game, 600 hours on Steam and 200+ hours on the non-Steam version. Around 2016, I got into Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and this is when I stopped playing Toribash as much. I was still active in Forums, I ran a clan and participated in discussions and even Tournaments/competitions. Towards the end of 2016, I announced to most of my online friends and my clan that I was apart of that I was leaving forever. I've grown found of many other games which is why I left Toribash, like Rainbow Six: Siege, Warframe and Rocket league. Nowadays I online come back to check on how the game is doing since this is what I mainly played when growing up.
Last edited by Maxiboo; Jun 16, 2017 at 01:53 AM.
Steam: aruwind
I am the younger of a brother who was prevalent in 2007 in toribash. Sadly I don't know where he discovered the game... We shared a computer and rarely had internet connection due to financial instability. We downloaded this game while we could and played single player for years. Always playing against eachother, I was the one who caught on quicker despite being 5 years younger which discouraged him and made him not want to play anymore (lol) Playing minimum settings on an all-in-one Dell. I was learning karate at the time like any other kid at that age, and instead of learning karate irl, i wanted to learn in a video-game! i played for years and when i turned 12 i was finally allowed to make my own acc, and with stable internet connection, and named myself frosy, which has been my username on every platform since. Now I'm just a hermit on here. Being nearly 20 years of age, my time to depart from this game is coming very soon. It has captivated me long enough.
[Parrot]Static> God frosy, why is ur head texture so much better than mine... frosy> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
looked up porn and i found this game

back in 2013 found my friend playing this shit, forgot about it, saw markiplier play it in 2014, and i was, damn ni[B][B]a i know this shit i wanna play it and yeah
Last edited by Berzerk; Jun 16, 2017 at 11:39 AM.