Hello Members of All Stars

My name is Arnav. I am 13 years of age and I have been playing toribash for roughly a year. At the moment I have a Black Belt with the QI of 1736.


I have been in a few clans but my most recent would be Fight Club. I left FC Due to their Players being inactive so being in a incactive clan was kinda pointless

Im can be really active on Forums incase you want me to
Whereas ingame, im active once again

My main mod would be Aikido and ABD and I Spar and Trick

I now Live in Singapore so my GMT is +8

Along with communication, no i do not have Discord, but if necessary I will gladly download it.
yes to the russian kid the second one will be denied, didn't read first post
Last edited by Day; May 25, 2017 at 09:12 PM. Reason: i can't go around calling kids "allstars fuckups"
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert

My name is UltraVortx, i am a 12 yr old but very close to 13 and i am a yellow belt in Toribash. Even know i am only a yellow belt i beat a 3rd dan black belt, a blue belt, and a brown belt (Im not joking). If you don't believe me ask my friend butlikker. I have recently discovered the forum and i found out it is the only way I can equip stuff because of my computer. So i go on this a lot and i have been playing Toribash for a year now (i made a new account 3 or 4 times so i have some experience) and i LOVE it because of the fact i can make my guy do whatever weird stuff comes into my head. I am a year Seven at my school and i do martial arts at my local Teakwondo place. I want to join this clan because 1. I am a huge fan of Naruto 2. my friend is in this clan 3. the name sounds really cool. My favourite mod is judo and i have discord, my name in discord is Josh. (if i am not accepted into the clan i will not wine and cry)

ultravortx is denied he did not follow the rules on the first page of applications you may try at a later date thank you for the attempt have a nice day young man
Quote: Melon Please change your signature to anything else.
not a bad application you are under discussion
Quote: Melon Please change your signature to anything else.
#Brief Introduction

Good Afternoon, My name is TheGreenVoid (If it wasn't obvious enough)
I am a 9th dan Black Belt (Again, Definitely not obvious ;3) and I've been playing alot more recently than I used to.

#Why the fuck am I here and why do I want to apply..?

I am wanting to apply because my current clan, Crooks, Is pronounced as dead by one of the leaders (Vinyl) and he suggested that I join another clan. As i was streaming around trying to find a clan to be in, a member of Nitro (Weebly) asked if I wanted to join here, and knowing your reputation I agreed so here I am hahah.

  • Win Ratio: 50%
  • Gr: Unranked (Not very fond of Ranked matches, but would play if I wanted to.)
  • Favourite game modes (Multiplayer): Aikido, Mushu, Wushu, Ninjutsu, AikidoBigDojo, and EarthTK.
  • Join date: 2014-07-13
  • Previous clans: Nothar, Crooks, Vengeance, Origin, and RelaxAll (There is more but I can't remember them at this moment of time, c'mon, it's been like 3 years lmao)


So yeah, this is only a basic application but it's to spread awareness to you guys of who I am and what I'm about, If you want anymore information and/or need me to put my skill to the test just PM me or join my game if I'm active and I'll be happy to. Cheers ;)
Last edited by TheGreenVoid; May 29, 2017 at 10:58 PM.
I eat babies
Good job there mr green ... .my point of view this thread is okay (okay) and I would throw in da positive reply

copy pasta and didn't read the first pooooosssstttt!!!!!!!!! :O

"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert