Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
(v) Virtue

Welcome foreigner to our great business, if you feel like you are the right candidate to apply for a job please keep reading.
In order to become one of our employee's, your application needs to be FREE FORM
and contain the following:

App code:
✔Personal data (Don't worry, we will not kidnap you)
✔Toribash career (We will investigate about you)
✔Daily life
✔What are some of your special attributes?
✔Why we should hire you?
✔Your American Express card information

Don't forget to add "I'm a crazy bitch and I will make them rich" in your application or you will be denied.

After this simple process our Vice-president, president and the CEO's will have a long discussion about your application.If you are caught c/p someone else application or applying to another business at the same time, we will call the cops to get you.

Last edited by Theory; Oct 8, 2017 at 02:27 AM.

Professional Graphic Designer
Former [Crooks]
Leader | [TA] Member | Ex-[Latin] member
[Mexican] Player |Fan Club
New clan, don't be afraid to apply ~~ We accept Blue belts and higher

Professional Graphic Designer
Former [Crooks]
Leader | [TA] Member | Ex-[Latin] member
[Mexican] Player |Fan Club
Hello, my name is Firesun and i would like to join this clan. My hobbies consist of long walks on he beach and starting soviet uprisings. Communismm amirite? I do dislike, however, how England is NOT my city. I cri evrytim. The earth is flat, traps aren't gay, i'm crazy bitch and i will make them rich.

P.S. Spcr told me to join ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"I should have checked myself..." ~ Guy who wrecked himself
You didn't need to make an application. I will send the invite right now. Welcome

Professional Graphic Designer
Former [Crooks]
Leader | [TA] Member | Ex-[Latin] member
[Mexican] Player |Fan Club
Hello, apps only though, thanks.

Professional Graphic Designer
Former [Crooks]
Leader | [TA] Member | Ex-[Latin] member
[Mexican] Player |Fan Club
Im the best player ever.
i am mylesjones
my toribash career consist of raping noobs. basically everyone that isnt me sucks.
my daily life is hard i have no house or food or any posessions.
my special attributes is that i can suck my own pp
u should hire me as the leader of this clan because if we did i set i would own him every single time
was the american express card thing a joke bc ill pm it :v
Imma give you a yes because you are more of an in-game player than a forum guy.
But that app was shit.
Still gonna give you a yes because you kick soooo much ass in abd.