Original Post
Clan Leaders Ban Hammer

There should be a thing called Clan Bans Where the Leader can be able to ban a member of the community from their clan which means they are not able to be recruited back by anyone who has permission to recruit, it will be a help preventing people who are not allowed in the clan and had a recent name change then he/she could join back.

There also can be a thing where it doesn't allow their alts to join
(if their alts are recruited, they still not be able to join because their main account is banned from the clan)

In other words... -=-Blacklist-=-


Last edited by Xaria; Nov 11, 2018 at 09:16 PM.
I'm not sure how recruitment works now, but with vector we always do our research on who we accept or deny into our clan. I feel like putting a bit of work into figuring out who the person is, is probably the easiest option anyways. You'll be able to understand the person applying, and if it happens that they're someone you dislike being in your clan, you can deny them
hi i'm karbn and i eat ass; love the market overlord
Originally Posted by Karbn View Post
I'm not sure how recruitment works now, but with vector we always do our research on who we accept or deny into our clan. I feel like putting a bit of work into figuring out who the person is, is probably the easiest option anyways. You'll be able to understand the person applying, and if it happens that they're someone you dislike being in your clan, you can deny them

There are a lot of people who try their best to get back in the clan, there are always people out there who have alts, people who you don't like and do not want them in the clan, you can always use this option... it is better than trying to figure it out because if you ask them what is their main account they can lie about it without you noticing and there are clans out there who recruits in-game and you can always run up to an alt without knowing it, the alt might have a lot of QI and maybe you won't even realize that the account is an alt.

It is not always about your clan, other clans recruit in-game and have requirements to join the clan, other clans might need this option.

Let us imagine this, a community member hates this one clan and the leader of the clan hates this community member and would never allow this community member in his clan, the community member has an alt and fits the requirements to join the clan, he joins it and cause trouble in warring and then a lot of madness happen because of this one guy without the Leader knowing. There are some clans out there who make people who join their clan already have war perms and you already know what the person can actually do with these perms.

Not a lot of leaders out there like to waste their time to do researches for a lot of people that are applying to join the clan
Last edited by Xaria; Nov 11, 2018 at 04:12 PM.
Well that's why recruitment threads are a thing and why you do your research.

I'm leader of my clan, every single person who applies to vector I will gladly do my research on.

For something I only gave my opinion on, you sure wrote up a paragraph.

I like the idea tbh, but I don't see devs spending any time implementing it just so it makes it easier for us to ban people from our clan. It's more realistic imo to spend some time understanding who the person is that's applying to your clan.
hi i'm karbn and i eat ass; love the market overlord
Originally Posted by Karbn View Post
Well that's why recruitment threads are a thing and why you do your research.

I'm leader of my clan, every single person who applies to vector I will gladly do my research on.

For something I only gave my opinion on, you sure wrote up a paragraph.

I like the idea tbh, but I don't see devs spending any time implementing it just so it makes it easier for us to ban people from our clan. It's more realistic imo to spend some time understanding who the person is that's applying to your clan.

I understand that it is not that it is not realistic, but do you really think Toribash is that realistic? In some ways, yes... in game and sometimes in other mods it can be realistic, but the Bans are more like a side thing for the clans, leaders of the clan can go to the website and in their clan page, there can be a button where it is called Bans there is where all the banned people are, in it you can add the people, I don't think it is any big deal about this idea, it is just protecting your clan from people who you know who will harm your clan and your clanmates, this idea is for the people who have been struggling to not invite dangerous people's alt in their clan, I hope you understood what I mean. This idea can be really useful for others
Last edited by Xaria; Nov 11, 2018 at 07:35 PM.
I meant workload wise. It's unrealistic to attempt to get a system implemented that isn't necessary. Toribash is an old, old game, and I don't really see a large influx of people trying to get into clans anymore.

I understand that this is a can be useful to others, what I'm trying to say is that it probably won't be implemented on this game because of the rewards the devs would get out of this is next to none.

Maybe rebranding this to a toribash next suggestion instead? I do think this would be useful, just not for this version of toribash
hi i'm karbn and i eat ass; love the market overlord
Originally Posted by Karbn View Post
I meant workload wise. It's unrealistic to attempt to get a system implemented that isn't necessary. Toribash is an old, old game, and I don't really see a large influx of people trying to get into clans anymore.

I understand that this is a can be useful to others, what I'm trying to say is that it probably won't be implemented on this game because of the rewards the devs would get out of this is next to none.

Maybe rebranding this to a toribash next suggestion instead? I do think this would be useful, just not for this version of toribash

It might be a good idea, but thinking about it, It is still not our choice to make this decision, it is the Devs and Hampa have to agree on it, though I do not know if he might think this is a good idea, after Toribash Next being released, not a lot will be playing the old Toribsh anymore, maybe you are right... maybe when the new version is up this might be discussed on being in the new Toribash.