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Mine and gunzmonkey's huge debate over... uh... what?
<RedDevil> Anyways, you're not getting in.
<gunzmonkey> why
<gunzmonkey> you seriously dont like me
<gunzmonkey> and you dont evan know me
<RedDevil> I don't like you.
<gunzmonkey> that a very unexplaned answer
<RedDevil> Oh, well.
<RedDevil> You can't always have good explanations.
<gunzmonkey> nor friends
<gunzmonkey> most of them are fake
<RedDevil> Exactly.
<gunzmonkey> or sceardy cats
<RedDevil> Sure.
<gunzmonkey> that are scared from people on the internet
<RedDevil> You're pissed with your friends?
<RedDevil> Why's that?
<RedDevil> Because you being with them wouldn't change my judgement.
<RedDevil> I judge people, not people's friends.
<gunzmonkey> i know that
<gunzmonkey> i told him
<RedDevil> So...?
<gunzmonkey> but wot ever
<RedDevil> Why are you hating on him, then?
<gunzmonkey> im not a retard btw
<gunzmonkey> im not
<RedDevil> You sound retarded.
<RedDevil> :|
<gunzmonkey> well obeyesly your retarded if you think i am
<RedDevil> Yeh, sure.
<RedDevil> I'm retarded.
<gunzmonkey> you cant read a book by its cover
<RedDevil> Of course not.
<RedDevil> But covers do help. :o
<gunzmonkey> you cant see me
<RedDevil> Nope.
<RedDevil> Why would I be able to?
<gunzmonkey> becuase you might be a pedophile
<gunzmonkey> but thats not me to judge
<gunzmonkey> your still human
<RedDevil> Sure.
<RedDevil> I'm 27, I would qualify to be a pedophile.
<RedDevil> Anyways, got anything else to say, hot shot?
<gunzmonkey> yeah
<RedDevil> Shoot.
<gunzmonkey> did you fix youre problem with mwah
<RedDevil> What problem?
<gunzmonkey> she was pritty pissed of at you
<RedDevil> Oh, why's that?
<gunzmonkey> over some joke on the forums
<RedDevil> Hrm...
<gunzmonkey> she was saying she was going to leave hive
<gunzmonkey> becuase shes had enough of you
<RedDevil> No idea what's that.
<RedDevil> Oh, well.
<RedDevil> Tough luck.
<RedDevil> Can't always please someone.
<gunzmonkey> i was just curious thats all
<gunzmonkey> i learned that first hand
<gunzmonkey> -.-
<RedDevil> Hahah, yeah.
<gunzmonkey> well i hope you enjoy playen this game with people half your age
<gunzmonkey> and just remember
<gunzmonkey> have fun
<RedDevil> I don't play this game. ;)
<RedDevil> And most of this community is made of retards anyways, so bleh.
<RedDevil> I'm here for the community.
<gunzmonkey> you are one of the mains
<RedDevil> Of course.
<gunzmonkey> are so youre trying to get away from the real world
<RedDevil> I'm a huuuuge retard.
<RedDevil> Sure.
<RedDevil> I'm a huge underachiever, you know.
<gunzmonkey> cool
<gunzmonkey> ok cya later im of
<RedDevil> Cya.
<RedDevil> ;)
<gunzmonkey> getting pritty late
<RedDevil> Good luck with your life, mate.
<gunzmonkey> have fun with your sack full of children
<RedDevil> Don't get pedoraped.
<gunzmonkey> dw ill cary arms
<RedDevil> Everyone carries arms.
<gunzmonkey> ok see you on the battle field
<RedDevil> Weren't you leaving or something?
<RedDevil> Like... 10 minutes ago.
<gunzmonkey> know
<gunzmonkey> dw if its hard for you to read clocks
<RedDevil> Not really
<gunzmonkey> i can help you with it
<gunzmonkey> just pm me
<gunzmonkey> cya
<RedDevil> Okay.
<RedDevil> Cya.
<gunzmonkey> good night or good day

Oh, boy. I'm in serious trouble. Also, someone help me with reading clocks. :/