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My first mod = a fail
so this morning I learned the very basics of notepad modding.
I really like the crouchingtiger.tbm mod, and the verison with the katana was just wrong.
So I decided to fix it.

As you can see, I've added two very simple "katanas" and modified the wrist joints' rotation.

I've also uploaded the mod to the game here:

And it said it was approved. Problem is that when I create a room with this mod, people who join don't see the swords... It only worked with a friend of mine to whom I've sent the mod via MSN to paste it into the data/mod folder.

I'd really like to make this mod available to everybody cuz it's fun flying around with two katanas.

Here is the mod in notepad form:

body r_hand
shape box
sides 0.22 0.22 0.22
alt_sides 0.2 0.2 0.2
pos -0.35 0.85 2.3
rot 0 0 0
force 0 0 0
color 1 1 1
material flesh
flag 32

joint r_wrist
radius 0.11
pos -0.2 0.9 2.3
axis 0 1 0
rot 0 0 0
range 0.5 -1.4
strength 2.0
velocity 60.0
flag 6

body l_hand
shape box
sides 0.22 0.22 0.22
alt_sides 0.2 0.2 0.2
rot 0 0 0
force 0 0 0
color 1 1 1
material flesh
flag 32

joint l_wrist
radius 0.11
axis 0 1 0
rot 0 0 0
range 0.5 -1.4
strength 2.0
velocity 60.0
flag 6

env_obj 1
shape box
pos -0.35 7.4 10.1
color 0 0 0
rot 0 0 0
sides 0.1 0.0001 2.2
material steel
mass 0.00025

env_obj 2
shape box
pos 2.35 -7.6 10.1
color 0 0 0
rot 0 0 0
sides 0.1 0.0001 2.2
material steel
mass 0.00025

env_obj 3
shape box
pos 2.35 7.4 10.1
color 0 0 0
rot 0 0 0
sides 0.1 0.0001 2.2
material steel
mass 0.00025

env_obj 4
shape box
pos -0.35 -7.6 10.1
color 0 0 0
rot 0 0 0
sides 0.1 0.0001 2.2
material steel
mass 0.00025

body stomach 
	force 0 5 1

body breast
	force 0 5 1

body chest
	force 0 5 1

body groin
	force 0 5 1

body r_pecs
	force 0 5 1

body l_pecs
	force 0 5 1

body r_thigh
	force 0 5 1

body l_thigh
	force 0 5 1

body l_leg
	force 0 5 1
body r_leg
	force 0 5 1

    engagedistance 1500
    engageheight 700
    engagerotation 0
    dojosize 500
    dojotype 1
    disqualification 1
    matchframes 560
    turnframes 80,80,40,50,50,50
,50,50,50,60    dismemberment 1
    dismemberthreshold 150
    fracture 1
    fracturethreshold 100
    gravity 0 0 -20

env_obj 7
    shape cylinder
    pos 1 7.5 3.25
    color 0.6 0.2 -0.1 1
    rot 0 0 0
    sides 0.5 6.5 1
    material steel
    mass 0.1
    flag 8, 16
#END 1

env_obj 8
    shape cylinder
    pos 1 -7.75 3.25
    color 0.6 0.2 -0.1 1
    rot 0 0 0
    sides 0.5 6.5 1
    material steel
    mass 0.1
    flag 8, 16
#END 2

env_obj 9
    shape cylinder
    pos 1 -3 2.25
    color 0.6 0.2 -0.1 1
    rot 0 0 0
    sides 0.5 4.5 1
    material steel
    mass 0.1
    flag 8
#END 3

env_obj 10
    shape cylinder
    pos 1 -5.5 2.75
    color 0.6 0.2 -0.1 1
    rot 0 0 0
    sides 0.5 5.5 1
    material steel
    mass 0.1
    flag 8, 16
#END 4

env_obj 11
    shape cylinder
    pos 1 3 2.25
    color 0.6 0.2 -0.1 1
    rot 0 0 0
    sides 0.5 4.5 1
    material steel
    mass 0.1
    flag 8, 16
#END 5

env_obj 12
    shape cylinder
    pos 1 5.25 2.75
    color 0.6 0.2 -0.1 1
    rot 0 0 0
    sides 0.5 5.5 1
    material steel
    mass 0.1
    flag 8, 16
#END 6

env_obj 13
    shape cylinder
    pos 1 0 1.75
    color 0.6 0.2 -0.1 1
    rot 0 0 0
    sides 0.5 3.25 1
    material steel
    mass 0.1
    flag 8, 16
#END 7

env_obj 14
    shape box
    pos 1 0 3.5
    color 0.6 0.2 -0.1 1
    rot 0 0 0
    sides 3.5 3.5 1
    material steel
    mass 0.1
    flag 8, 16
#END 8
Last edited by bleek312; Mar 18, 2011 at 07:29 PM.