Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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[REL] Toridragster REVAMP.

So I'm going to be using this thread as both an introduction thread and a release for this mod. Some of you may remember me from back in 2009, when, due to some circumstances in real life, I quit the TB community. I'm back, sorta, if only to do some casual playing with friends. (and helping out with the Mod Team)

In any case, I made this mod a ridiculously long time ago, it was one that was planned in a series of mods for a PromoTeam Event. (which I'll describe later) The series was to be laid out in "levels," and this was the first one I made. It is based on the movie 2012, in a apocalypse setting in a city. You race around a block, avoiding dangers such as another cars, meteriotes, falling debrish, etc.

Here is the official info about the level.
	#######################TRACK 1.1.2#######################
	#Track codename: "Apocalypse City"			#
	#Car position: engplayerpos 2,0,0.5,-4,0,0.5		#						
	#Track difficulty: Medium				#			
	#Track description: Simple track. Single loop. obstic-  #
	#les 							#
	#Notes:							#
	# -track: track for event, track 1, version 1		#
	# -author: blkk						#
	# -obsticles (in order of occurance):			#
	# 	-Car 1 						#
	# 	-Meteriod(s) 1					#
	#   /change sides/					#
	# 	-Car 2						#
	# 	-Rubbish heap 1-4				#
	#   /change sides/					#
	# 	-Car 3						#
	# 	-Meteriod(s) 2-5				#	
	#   /change sides/					#		#
	# -Cutoff obsticle					#
	# 	-"The Big one," a Huge ball that crushes the b- #
	#uilding. The last side is basically trying to escape   #
	#the ball/building from crushing your car. 		#
	# -Additional tips:					#
	# 	-other cars can be avoided, or smashed through	#
	# 	-you MUST avoid meteroids			#
	# 	-you MUST smash through the rubbish heap	#
	# 	-some cars may be able to drive on the sidewalk #

#   Track Intro: 
#	"In the year 2837, human kind waged war against each 
#   	other. With newfound technologies, every hit was devistating
#	to the human population. As cities burned, babies died, and
#	the world overpopulated by wounded hobos, the people started
#	to question the purpose of life. One cult, called the Toribashian
# 	racing community decided to pass the last of their days racing.
#	This is how they chose the huge multi-story Nabi Clone Facility as
# 	the track for their race."

Here are some pictures:

An Early model:

New stuff!


The toridragster model was based off someone else’s work. However, it has been completely revamped, with adjusted joints, rotations, balancing, etc. This one drives pretty well, can do completely epic drift, and can reach a max speed way higher than before, while remaining relatively structurally complete. Additional Info about the toridragster and development can be seen in the mod file.

# "Toridragster.tbm"
# A mod by: DoubleDagR. Co-editer blkk, smilies2
# Special thanks to: NewbLuck, MrPoptart
# Hints for success: (outdated)
# - Don't rev twice in a row at the start of the round
# - The spoiler shouldn't pass the point where it is horizontal
# - If your neck is going into the back of your dragster [in your
#   ghost image] it's a bad sign, it means your dragster is going
#   to brake in half, stop reving and relax your rear wrists.
# - Have Fun :D
# Additional notes:
# -version 1.0 
#    	*author: Doubledagr
#    	*basic framework built. body objects set
#    	*car mobility activated. limited turning
#    	*Dragster shape formation
#    	*Tracks tbd
#    	*version author forwarded to blkk, for further development
# -version 2.0
#    	*author: blkk
#    	*Increased mobility of wheels
#    	*Completely regenerized power and auto-balance features for wheels
#    	*added head pod
#    	*added track. includes ramp, and vertical fly endline
# -version 2.1
#   	*author: blkk
#   	*added advanced steering mechanisms. Contact blkk for type-1 steering movesets. 
#   	*compatability with sticky platforms
#   	*track removed. this is beta testing only
#   	*Friction tbd. Base world friction moved
# -version 2.2
#  	*Author: blkk
#  	*attempted to improve steering.
#  	*friction re-added
#  	*beta testers access.
#    		-names: Tapion
#	*version author forwarded to Tapion for further development
#	*Beta track 0.0.0 (set 0, track number 0, version 0)
# -version 2.22
#	*Author: blkk 
#	*track one for event (event name pending)
#	*fixed nograb body objects
# -version 2.23
#       *Author: blkk
#       *edited 3rd car
#       *added side 3 obsticles
#             	-falling astroids 2-4
#       *added side 4 cuttoff obsticle (The Big One)
#       *Start/finish line. 
#       *track open to beta preview and testing.
#       *debugged emergency brakes.
# Known Bugs:
# - The dragster will ocasionally brake in half if stressed
# - If using a dojo (recommended dojosize: 2000 flags: 7) Uke
#   will have more room around the back of his dragster than
#   Tori will
I wasn't able to release this previously due to my involvment in the PT. However, I attempted to encouraged my friend modders, including Tapion to produce their own vehicles. (which became immensely popular :P )

The event was projected to go like this: We announce information about tracks, gamerules (such as DM threshold, so we don't have participants simply increasing the power of their joints to win), limitations about the vehical, and then we allow modders to attempt to build a car that is best suited to win the track. After a certain time period, we will ask the participants to send the mod file that includes their vehicle to us, and we place the car into the track. We then give this file to the "driver" of the team, and have them make a replay completing the track. Awards can be given for 1st/2nd/3rd, as well as "special awards," such as "Most aesthetically pleasing." This was all to be included in a "Motorsports month."

Driving the car may be difficult in the beginning. I suggest you hold all, except the wheels and the chest. The chest coordinates side to side motion, the lumbar does rotation, and the abs do up and down. I know most cars don't steer by bending their hull but hey! it works. Also, changing the gamerules to flag 6 prevents grabbing, which makes it easier to click on joints. (grabbing allows you to "super break" otherwise known as "break your car")

If anybody wants to continue development of this mod, or create additional levels, just send me a PM and we'll talk about it. I'll also ask that noone submit this mod to official, because its not complete, and there are still some bugs that need to be worked out.

Also, this mod uses EngagePos,which still carries over different mods. If you have your tori/uke start on odd positions after using this mod, go to the engagepos box in the gamerules popup, and replace the numbers there with 0.

Last Words:
I know that recently, most of the people in the Mod Team are somewhat inactive. I was thinking some new blood will be able to rejuvenate the Mod Team. Hopefully, after seeing this thread, we can show the community the types of high-quality mods we envision for Toribash 4.0 (which is hinted to include more modding abilities, such as alternate win conditions or Lua integration). In an effort to improve modding abilities of the communities at a whole, I'll be stalking the forums more often, and helping new modders out.

Hope to see you around,

PS: Can anybody make it around? :P
Attached Files
..Toridragster2.23.tbm (13.3 KB, 27 views)
- its been a while