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This is my contributing face
Hi everybody.

I don't usually play TB at all during summers, nor do I visit the boards. But my account was hacked recently and they took all my tc. The guy left all my items, which was nice cause those meant more to me.

But anyway, seeing the emails about my "suspicious activity" and all that made me feel bad, cause I really like Toribash but I hardly ever contribute anything anywhere. So I'mma try extra hard to post here.

To begin: A collection of things to try in singleplayer when you're bored.

1. TK symmetrical opening
use Taekkyon gamerules, turn off dq. Or don't. Use the following opener:
-relax all
-extend anks, hips
-contract knees
space 2x
-contract hips
-extend knees

the result should be a kinda cool-looking split. Now see if you can decap uke's flying torso before time runs out.

2. Crushercogs silliness
use the crushercogs mod, set the engage dist to be about 800 (or -800)
up the dm threshold (around 200) and use the spinning cog to fling uke at tori. Or vice-versa, if it's -800. It's actually really hard to control tori once he's flying that fast. Or to dm uke without dm-ing yourself.

3. The 500-inch punch
This used to be one of my favorite things to do in SP. Set the engage dist to at least 500, then dm one of your hands and throw it at uke. Once the hand is in the air, no grabby hands allowed, and no moving uke. See if you can get a decap.

4. The floor is lava
Find the right holdable-weapons mod. Not all of them work for this.
Set a small dojo.
Grab your weapon and leap out of the dojo. See if you can get back. This is very hard with single weapons and/or heavy weapons.

That's all I can think of now. I used to have example replays, but they're long gone. What do you guys do, if anything, to mess around and kill time in singleplayer?
KingBosh disconnected. quit life