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Scariest thing to happen to you
So out of curiosity, I want to know, what's the scariest thing that's ever happened to you?

I ask this because earlier today in Chemistry class, we had to work with 2 dangerous chemicals, Nitric Acid and Sodium Hydroxide, I think, don't remember the exact names (which alone can basically cause irreversible burns). We had to combine them and do stuff to them to see results, etc. and basically what happened is we combined the two chemicals, added water, and heated it up until it became this sort of black dust in a liquid. At this point the beaker was blazing hot so we had to use tongs to hold the beaker.

I used the tongs to lift the beaker to show one of my friends what was going on, and as I was putting the beaker back on the table, the beaker slipped between the tongs and broke. The chemical landed all over my hands. I learned eventually that the chemical wasn't dangerous at all, even though we combined two dangerous chemicals to it and cooked it. But at the time of the dropping I had absolutely no idea it wasn't dangerous, so basically my hands are covered in what I expected was a chemical that would burn through my skin.

So yeah, I got an unknown substance over my hand that was made combining 2 dangerous chemicals. Or if I had dropped it 10 minutes earlier, then it would have been some mix of nitric acid/sodium hydroxide that hadn't been cooked yet, which probably wouldn't have felt very good.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ