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"flabbergasted red onions"
Just to clear the title up; I asked chirs what the title should be, he said it doesn't really matter and it could be flabbergasted red onions.

flabbergasted red onions picture

Anyway, now thats out of the way now to talk about who I have met:

TheAnimal(Lars); I sometimes call him aminal because thats what my nephew says and always gets me mixed up in saying it. Lars is a great leader with the main goal of enjoying himself as well as allowing others to do that. Even after about 5 years(?) of leading aeon he has still kept the clan alive even if it went through its inactive spots. Well done, Herr Lars.

AnalWache(chirs); A great person, it's just that he doesn't know it yet. Always wanting to have fun and doing everything to make aeon better. He deeply shows his emotions and has his ups and downs, but, he manages to be the chirs we know and love. We share alot of music and jokes and whatever and it's always a joy to be around him truely.

Azure(azurererere); Silly, funny, random. I think that sums up azure pretty well, although he can be serious and is sure to care about aeon and friends.

iSpeed(stevaaaaan); Haven't met all that much of him due to inactivity problems, but, that's alright. He is passionate about sport and aeon, mostly in the clan league, and seems to care about everyone anyway. Stevan also seems to have a more strict side sometimes, but, thats okay!

Habeeb(habeeb); Hardly met him unfortunately, probably due to not using skype at all. He seems nice and I think he likes drinking, I don't remember if that was actually habeeb.

SindreRule(sindreee); Great in-game skill and replay making ability as well as a nice personality and a happiness for being in aeon from what I experienced on our first (and only) encounter.

threedog2(matt(?)); Helped win alot of matches in the clan league and has a real dedication towards aeon. Also a nice guy to be around and also shares the same interest in other games as me!

FluXen(alexxx); We managed to persuade him to apply for aeon again, yay. Fun and humorous, just the kind of person that would fit right in this clan! Also gets drunk alot and either him or his brother sing german songs which seems also quite amusing.

Rumour(rumoose) I know he's not an official part of aeon (yet), but, he's still there. Highly talented in art and being rather random, this moose is happy to be in aeon and I think will be valuable in the future!

Alright, thats that giant wall of text done; now some more about other stuff:

Do I still want to be in aeon? no Yes of course! This clan is the exact of what I want to be part of, we don't care about winning and being the top rank, we just want to enjoy ourselves with our time here which is all that really matters. Aeon may of lost in the clan league in the first round, but, at least we took part and had fun doing that. This clan is different from all the other ones, and that's because each and everyone of the members does something that makes Aeon what it is.

thanks for reading
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here