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Is feminism important?
I am not going to give a specific definition of that I mean by "feminism" because feminism covers such a large range of campaigns and ideologies that it would be impractical or inaccurate to do so. However, in general it is the ideological movement for the social equality of the sexes and stuff like that.

Please feel free to talk about specific feminist campaigns and ideologies and whether you think they are addressing a legitimate problem or just making a fuss about irrelevant stuff. The point of this thread is not to work out whether feminism is justifiable as a whole, individual aspects of feminism being legitimate or illegitimate makes very little, if any, difference to the legitimacy of the overall ideology of feminism.

Also feel free to talk about what you think constitutes as sexist or detrimental to gender equality as a whole. For example whether not hitting a girl simply because she is a girl is sexist or just good manners, and whether adverts with sexualised women actually promote objectification of women. Whether there is a level of objectification which is acceptable on a logical level.

I think that just about covers it. Please don't argue about what feminism means, just make everyone's lives easier and state what branch or ideology of feminism you are referring to in your post.

If you feel that I should add anything to this thread starter post then just PM me or express your concerns in your posts here.

Thank you for reading, I look forward to hearing what you guys think.
Good morning sweet princess