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A very super duper serious application thread thingy
Hi, I'm text.

This leads to some very confusing moments because my name is a generic word. Hooray for generic word names, they're the best.

I live in London....or do I? Some big city somewhere.

I'm an ex market squad member, ex clan council member,ex blogger and some other ex that I might or might not be allowed to mention. Perhaps my most important qualification is that I drew this just a few seconds ago just to apply here and totally didn't do it for some other purpose.

I used to be part of [Secret] but that clan is dead because I suck at activity as did everyone else in there. I'm looking for a clan that can embrace my on again and off again inactivity and not die. MAD isn't letting me in though so here I am.

Fish knows me (I think, maybe....a tiny bit?) through a series of top secret communications so I got that going for me. Also I was commissioned at some point to draw this.

Man I'm so bored. Help.

"[11:17pm] Thorn: I'm gonna have to ask you to stop being so productive"