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Different [frictions] and [damage points] on different parts of [body parts]
hai ppl, i didn't find a place to [introduce myself] so i thought its probably better to make a first post on [suggestion & ideas] rather than beginner sanctuary or whatever else is there
(that is actually an idea : make a forum for noobz like me to introduce themselves and ram in the community)
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so my idea is focused mostly on the foot and the head
in toribash if you do a headbutt it will land same amount of points to each player

in real life a headbutt could make someone faint while the striker feels just fine
so for example : the forehead deals %300 damage and the lower part of the head which is the face deals %50 damage + receives %200 damage

have you ever seen kung fu masters and such get punched in the face but they lower their head to get hit in the forehead ? that is exactly what i'm talking about
the friction is about foot mostly
it would be nice to have less friction in the back part of the foot and have move friction in the toes

try this in real life, try to spin on your toes... its pretty hard
now try to spin on the back of your foot, its much easier

if its gonna be hard to do such thing, you can just make the foot the shape of a triangle, one point at the back of foot and two points at the toes
which automatically makes it easier to spin on the hill but harder on toes
but its not as good right ?
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let me know what you think about this